The 47 Fund

The 47 Fund was established in 2012 by Justin Giessman as a scholarship fund for the St. Louis Rockets in memory of Art Martin (1947-2012). Art was an active member of the Rockets board of directors and volunteered many hours to the organization. Art played ice hockey for years and passed his love of the game to his sons, who both played in the Rockets organization. Art was an inspiration to everyone that encountered him and touched many lives. Our mission is to continue Art's memory by providing scholarships to youth hockey players.

The 47 Fund is exclusively funded by individual and corporate donations. These donors share in our belief that Ice Hockey provides an unparalleled opportunity for children to develop a strong body, mind, and character.

All scholarships are awarded inside of the St. Louis Rockets Hockey programs to deserving youth participants.

Thank you for you interest in the 47 Fund.

We are part of a 501(c)3 youth hockey organization, the St. Louis Rockets, so your donation may be tax deductible. Consult your tax professional.

Our Address:
The 47 Fund
8263 Brentwood Industrial St
St. Louis, MO 63144
